As a thank you to all our exhibitors past &
present attending our shows, who contribute to the collectors experience
for visitors who travel from far and wide. We are now providing a A - Z
listing of exhibitors with links and contact details. Below is a list of
confirmed exhibitors.
Exhibitors Please note: If you have a web site
and would a link from this listing to your site, please contact us with
the relevant information, and likewise if your contact details are different
or incorrect or not required, please also advise (Include all necessary
details, thank you).
Also, if we are linking to your site, it would be appreciated if you could
provide a reciprocal link back to Militaria Shows using:
(This will benefit everyone)
Exhibitor |
Link |
Contact |
Stalls |
Adrian Joseph |
07739 985127 |
164, 165 |
Age UK |
01905 740950 |
143 |
Air Ministry Miliataria |
07775 560894 |
230 |
Airsoft World |
0033 33449555 |
181, 182 |
AJS Supplies |
07718 047023 |
1, 2, 3 |
AKM Militaria Ltd |
07588 816844 |
26, 27, 28, 29 |
Alan Wells |
07940 384024 |
133 |
Allied Forces |
01454 261100 |
47, 48, 49, 49a |
Alwyn Bartlett |
07752 793938 |
140 |
Andy Garrett |
01280 700180 |
116, 117, 80, 81 |
Andy Purshall |
07971 403791 |
222b |
Anita Books |
01981 540534 |
153 |
Antique War Booty |
Germany |
134, 135 |
Exhibitor |
Link |
Contact |
Stalls |
Battleflag Miliatria |
07786 398284 |
201, 202 |
Baz Bravenboer |
0031 628761618 |
163 |
Ben Junier |
0031 653950710 |
89, 90 |
BFR Militaria |
07590 801868 |
98, 98a, 99, 99a |
Blunderbus |
01767 318715 |
74, 75 |
Bryan Mitchell |
01386 750185 |
157, 158 |
Exhibitor |
Link |
Contact |
Stalls |
Carl Woods |
01476 870498 |
205, 206, 207 |
Chelmsford Militaria |
07595 511981 |
184, 185 |
Cherished Insurance |
0330 038162 |
101, 102 |
Chris Bond |
07970 708261 |
83, 84, 85 |
Chris English |
07468 526351 |
23, 24, 25 |
Chris Golding |
07977 057333 |
186 |
Chris Toft |
02392 468146 |
139 |
Class II Supplies |
07771 914497 |
126, 127 |
Clemenst Trading |
0031 655885206 |
211 |
Clements Trading |
0031 655885206 |
212, 213 |
Cliff Wilton |
141 |
Cobbaton Combat |
01769 540740 |
197, 198, 199 |
Crest Insignia |
07785 545289 |
192, 193, 194 |
CS Militaria |
07957 592813 |
203, 204 |
Exhibitor |
Link |
Contact |
Stalls |
D & B Militaria |
01342 837766 |
239 |
D & B Miltaria |
01342 837766 |
240 |
D S Solutions |
07967 646705 |
237, 238 |
Dads Army |
07831 230228 |
97 |
Dave Farmer |
07811 006430 |
76, 77 |
David Beeby |
07484 703447 |
131, 132 |
Dennis Roberts |
07802 481616 |
221 |
Dennis Smith |
07850 316183 |
107, 108 |
Diana Herbert |
0117 9322606 |
45 |
Dropzone |
07850 257649 |
170, 171, 172, 173 |
Dug Up |
07793 045221 |
19 |
Dug up |
07793 045221 |
20 |
07782 201571 |
123, 124 |
Exhibitor |
Link |
Contact |
Stalls |
East/West Trading |
07968 239268 |
118, 119, 120 |
Ed Parsons |
07932 141552 |
161, 162 |
Eddie Tozeland |
07833 091334 |
41, 41a |
Elite Militaria |
01752 788152 |
176 |
Emma James |
01386 41585 |
221a |
English Armourie |
01902 870579 |
5, 6 |
Exhibitor |
Link |
Contact |
Stalls |
Fudge Cottage |
07788 3214373 |
231 |
Exhibitor |
Link |
Contact |
Stalls |
G E Beach |
01948 664092 |
234 |
Gary Kemper |
07821 014251 |
236 |
Gary Sterne |
07557 301155 |
40, 40a |
Gary Wood |
07773 346490 |
179, 180 |
GBF Militaria |
07733 222343 |
121, 122 |
Glynn Roberts |
01797 227841 |
159 |
Graham Cufley |
07725 146875 |
95, 96 |
Graham Lycett |
07976 777117 |
232 |
Grenadiers |
07887 571337 |
229 |
Exhibitor |
Link |
Contact |
Stalls |
Helfire Surplus Supplies |
07740 596436 |
35, 36, 37, 38, 39 |
Exhibitor |
Link |
Contact |
Stalls |
Ian Young |
0151 6778428 |
86 |
Exhibitor |
Link |
Contact |
Stalls |
J & M Worthing |
01584 831239 |
150, 151, 152 |
J D R Militaria |
07554 444956 |
50 |
Jaap |
0032 55420245 |
208, 209 |
Jack Zakarian |
07875 683913 |
57 |
JD Militaria |
0121 4215892 |
62 |
Jeep Promotions |
07889 516401 |
174, 175 |
Jeeparts-UK Ltd |
01206 210356 |
214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220 |
Jim Bush |
07950 267862 |
72, 73 |
John Gray |
01937 580302 |
168b, 168c |
John Price |
07939 226976 |
22 |
John Ranford |
01527 892026 |
55, 56 |
John Walker |
0115 9607860 |
92 |
John Williams |
07927 416958 |
200 |
Jon Forseca |
01874 658342 |
91 |
Exhibitor |
Link |
Contact |
Stalls |
Lee Money |
07831 520485 |
160, 160A |
Les Jackson |
07811 202033 |
44 |
Liam Shakles |
07913 773893 |
42 |
01543 480600 |
12, 13, 14 |
Exhibitor |
Link |
Contact |
Stalls |
M J Rodrigues |
01235 812529 |
8, 9 |
M K Militaria |
07815 049239 |
4 |
M lister |
07709 344565 |
114 |
M Lister |
07709 344565 |
115 |
M.R Army Surplus |
01377 267620 |
32, 33, 34 |
Malcolm Goosey |
01785 850285 |
210 |
Malcolm Wagnor |
07778 371727 |
51, 52 |
Mark Pople |
01380 831491 |
67 |
Mark Simm |
01209 614691 |
68, 69 |
Martin Heather |
01792 919919 |
63, 64 |
Martin Lake |
01642 270661 |
183 |
Martyn Hillyard |
07864 027332 |
190 |
Mathew Hallet |
01948 830277 |
233 |
Mike Clayton |
07814 648044 |
21 |
Mike Lavender |
07891 606732 |
60 |
Military Mementos |
07578 191418 |
177 |
MJL Militaria |
01630 620157 |
111, 112 |
Mr Goldsworthy |
07932 553837 |
43 |
MR J Parsons |
01684 593556 |
46 |
Exhibitor |
Link |
Contact |
Stalls |
N Southam |
07766 077993 |
15, 16 |
Nicholas Berry |
07854 222501 |
169c |
Nigel Fisher |
07483 864672 |
235 |
Nigel Silver |
07716 162372 |
82 |
Exhibitor |
Link |
Contact |
Stalls |
07769 701487 |
110 |
Para Phenalia |
01543 264565 |
144 |
Paul Chinneck |
07885 556916 |
125 |
Paul meekins Books |
01789 722434 |
93, 94 |
Paul Milner |
07702 323714 |
142 |
Pegasus Militaria |
07956 654489 |
17, 18 |
Peter Mooney |
07814 216716 |
61 |
Phillip Capewell |
01903 533340 |
130 |
Premier Surplus |
07887 870353 |
154, 155, 156 |
Props Resorrces dept |
07928 874623 |
167, 168, 168a |
Exhibitor |
Link |
Contact |
Stalls |
Q & C Militaria |
01242 519815 |
87 |
QuaterMaster |
0032 473907762 |
223, 224, 225, 226, 227 |
Exhibitor |
Link |
Contact |
Stalls |
Relics From The Front |
07908 820873 |
103, 104, 105 |
Richard Annis |
07808 677567 |
7 |
Richard Griffiths |
07801 257323 |
187, 188 |
Richard Underwood |
07958 449161 |
70, 71 |
Rob Hatch |
07958 633529 |
59 |
Robert Cranston |
07561 199590 |
53, 54 |
Roger Miles |
07885 644812 |
100, 136, 137, 138 |
Exhibitor |
Link |
Contact |
Stalls |
Sheila Bagnall |
07768 397988 |
128, 129 |
Soldier of Fortune |
01490 412225 |
145, 146, 147, 148, 149 |
Stencilade |
07961 843998 |
189 |
Steve Britton |
07974 819620 |
166 |
Steve Hale |
07737 137892 |
169, 169a |
Exhibitor |
Link |
Contact |
Stalls |
Terry Till |
07792 393510 |
191 |
Tiger Collectbles |
01929 423411 |
10, 11 |
Tim Hake |
07709 270309 |
228 |
Tim Pitcher |
07715 490229 |
78, 79 |
Tim Price |
07879 051461 |
113 |
Exhibitor |
Link |
Contact |
Stalls |
Universal Jeep Supplies |
01483 860403 |
109, 88 |
Exhibitor |
Link |
Contact |
Stalls |
War & Peace Revival |
01258 851100 |
195, 196 |
Wartime Memories |
01797 366273 |
106 |
Wendy Howlett |
01934 820652 |
178 |
William Pannet |
07718 279267 |
58, 58a |
World Wide Arms |
01785 851515 |
65, 66 |
WW2 Militaria |
07768 867213 |
30, 31 |